Please use this convenient form to tell us about your project either before or after placing an order. Fields marked with * are required. THE PROJECT Project Name*: Project Artist*: Type of Service: Online ServicesIn-house Services Service(s) Desired: RecordingRe-AmpingMixingAnalogue SummingMastering EOW Store Order Number: (If you've already placed an order) What would you like to tell us about your project? YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Name*: Address 1*: Address 2: City*: ST/Prov*: Postal Code*: Country*: Telephone*: Email*: Website: Your Relationship to Artist*: (Multiple selections allowed) Artist: PerformerArtist: SongwriterManagerProducerEngineerRecord Label SEND AUDIO FILES Please compress multiple files into zip format prior to uploading whenever possible. If not uploading a file here with this form, please indicate the location of where we may download your files from: Download Instructions: